1 | Berger, Uta and Lorscheid, Iris – Intro – Where are we and what is going wrong? Critical perspectives on theory development through agent-based modeling
2 | Grimm, Volker and Meyer, Matthias – Intro – From cases to general principles: Relevance and perspectives
3 | Müller, Birgit – Agent based modeling of social ecological systems
4 | Railsback, Steve – Individual based models and general theory in ecology
5 | Gräbner, Claudius – Theory development through agent-based modelling – Lessons from economics
6 | Edmonds, Bruce – Different modelling purposes – an ‘anti-theoretical’ account
7 | Peck, Steven – Mediating between the world and complex agent-based digital ecologies: How do we assess model adequacy for theory construction?
8 | Hegselmann, Rainer – The bounded confidence model: A case study on a deceptively simple model
9 | Arnold, Eckhart – Research without a cause. When models fail to be relevant
10 | Tesfatsion, Leigh – Agent-based modeling support for institutional design
11 | Rand, William – Simulating macro-level effects from micro-level observations